From a Marine fighting for his life in Korea to a missionary taking part in seeing lost souls won for Christ in the jungles of Brazil, Jack (and his wife Barbara) have left quite a legacy. Read on to learn more about their story.
The story out of Mark 16:14-15 impressed them. In the account, Jesus had reprimanded His disciples for their lack of faith and stubborn refusal to believe. His next words to them were, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.” Jack and Esther realized that God could use them (ordinary imperfect people) in […]
Do you know the song “Everybody Ought to Know?” Lenna and Laura Gill know it. They sang it as little girls in the jungles of Bolivia where their parents were serving as missionaries. It was the desire of the whole family that the people group of Araonas know Jesus Christ as their Savior. To know […]
On a rainy night in 1953, someone came knocking on the Bartletts’ door. Vern and Joyce did not ordinarily invite strangers into their home, but this time was different. Upon reflection, they know it had to be Divine intervention. The Bartletts were at a crossroads in their lives – their marriage was falling apart and […]
What do missionary biographies, 1 Corinthians 10:13, and the book PEACE WITH GOD have in common? They were all used by God to show a determined and energetic woman her need for a Savior and to point her from a worldly life to a life lived in service to the God she now loves! Rosalie […]
New Guinea? Dave and Althea Lawrence both insisted they were heading to Japan where Dave had spent time in the army. Teach missionary children? They believed God had called them to work with unreached people groups. So, where did they go? What did they do? Read on to find out! Dave came to know the […]
Who was that flying high over a lake in Fouts Springs, California, happily experimenting with loops and snap-rolls she’d read about in a magazine, unaware that Ken Johnston, one of her Mission directors, was fishing down below? How can one tell in a few short paragraphs the story of a young pioneer missionary woman who […]
Jim and Dene Wood served the Lord on the banks of the Paraguay River with the Angaite people group in the Paraguayan Chaco for twenty-one years. Then, for five more years they worked at NTM Homes in Sanford, Florida, where Jim surveyed the streets and laid out the houses for the retirement community and Dene chauffeured retirees to doctors. In 1997, they retired at NTM Homes but continue to volunteer when needed. Both were born in Pennsylvania, Jim in […]
So how did God bring together and use for His service a gal from Chicago, Illinois, and a young man from Southgate, California? It was the summer of 1953. Duane’s first wife Ladene, had been killed, about 6 months before, in a car accident. He survived and yet was left with with three young daughters (one […]