“How I’ve come to appreciate the staff here. It probably isn’t as easy to see how they are involved in missionary outreach, since they are definitely on the far end of support. But even as I was considering that, I thought of at least two of my former coworkers in Papua New Guinea, missionaries filling vital roles in getting God’s Word out to those who have never heard, who decided to leave the mission, because they felt the need to provide for their retirement.
True, missionary life and financial support doesn’t really allow for much investment in a retirement fund. But NTM Homes is an answer for many of us, who have what would be considered very low income and no assets to speak of, yet need a home for our retirement years. For many of us, having lived the past many years in rugged jungle environments, our homes here are truly luxurious. While the government might consider my income down close to the poverty level, I am able to live very comfortably because of God’s provision of this retirement center and His drawing the support missionary personnel to serve here. How I thank God for those who are involved in the financial and prayer support of the missionary team that ministers here at NTM Homes!”
~ submitted by one of our Ethnos360 retired missionaries who is living at NTM Homes and yet is still “in ministry” (doing translation work)